2 thoughts on “Reading & Writing

  1. Love all the visuals!

    I connect greatly with watching a child’s writing grow. I am aunt of sixteen children and from a very young age I was always the person they run to when they needed help with their homework. It is crazy how fast a child is able to grasp the meaning of writing, letters, and all grammatical rules that come with it. I have a nephew who is dyslexic and I was able to witness how he was unable to recognizing letters to progressing in writing full sentences. I remember when he was only in kindergarten and at that age he was still having trouble between distinguishing the letters A and B, my family was very worried. However, with much time and effort from his teachers and parents he was able to overcome much challenges that come with dyslexia. He still becomes very frustrated from time to time, but with encouragement and much reading these struggles are manageable!

    Great Job on the blog 🙂


  2. I love the fact that you incorporated the definition of both reading and writing! I agree that the definitions are very similar and in my blog I also mention that reading and writing go hand in hand. I agree that many parents go by a checklist to determine if their child is developing their reading and writing skills at the “appropriate times.” However, even though, these checklists are very helpful and informative, parents need to understand that not all children will “do things,” at the same time. Nevertheless, they are very informative and provide parents/teachers with some insight. I really liked how you incorporated your own experience with the little boy you babysit. I have substituted kindergarten (long-term) and I remember how some children couldn’t spell their names. These children were 5 years old, as well. However, I know that they’ll eventually master reading and writing skills. Interestingly, they were able to make pictures like the child you babysat (no words though). I believe that parents should definitely follow your tips on how to help their child learn to read and write. I feel that some children will “do things,” faster than others. Just because a child takes longer to master a skill doesn’t mean that there is anything wrong with them. I really liked your blog and I always like how you design it. Overall, awesome job! =]


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